Microsoft SQL Server to PostgreSQL Migration using Pgloader


To continue our migration series, today’s post will focus on pgloader. Pgloader is another Open Source data migration utility for PostgreSQL from MySQL and SQL Server. Today’s demo will migrate a sample database (StackOverflow) from MS SQL Server 2019 to Postgresql v10.

StackOverflow contains the following tables

1> use [StackOverflow]
2> go
Changed database context to 'StackOverflow'.
1> select name from sys.tables order by name
2> go
Votes VoteTypes

(9 rows affected)


  1. Install pgloader – on ubuntu this is a simple apt-get install pgloader but you can also build from source
  1. Pglolader uses the FreeTDS driver (on RedHat I needed to install the following freetds freetds-libs freetds-common)
  1. Pgloader has multiple options
# pgloader

pgloader [ option ... ] command-file ...
pgloader [ option ... ] SOURCE TARGET
  --help -h                       boolean  Show usage and exit.
  --version -V                    boolean  Displays pgloader version and exit.
  --quiet -q                      boolean  Be quiet
  --verbose -v                    boolean  Be verbose
  --debug -                      boolean  Display debug level information.
  --client-min-messages           string   Filter logs seen at the console (default: "warning")
  --log-min-messages              string   Filter logs seen in the logfile (default: "notice")
  --summary -S                    string   Filename where to copy the summary
  --root-dir -D                   string   Output root directory. (default: #P"/tmp/pgloader/")
  --upgrade-config -U             boolean  Output the command(s) corresponding to .conf file for v2.x
  --list-encodings -E             boolean  List pgloader known encodings and exit.
  --logfile -L                    string   Filename where to send the logs.
  --load-lisp-file -l             string   Read user code from files
  --dry-run                       boolean  Only check database connections, don't load anything.
  --on-error-stop                 boolean  Refrain from handling errors properly.
  --no-ssl-cert-verification      boolean  Instruct OpenSSL to bypass verifying certificates.
  --context -C                    string   Command Context Variables
  --with                          string   Load options
  --set                           string   PostgreSQL options
  --field                         string   Source file fields specification
  --cast                          string   Specific cast rules
  --type                          string   Force input source type
  --encoding                      string   Source expected encoding
  --before                        string   SQL script to run before loading the data
  --after                         string   SQL script to run after loading the data
  --self-upgrade                  string   Path to pgloader newer sources
  --regress                       boolean  Drive regression testing


  1. Create the database in postgres – add the uuid-ossp extension
postgres=# create database stackoverflow owner btpg10;

postgres=# \c stackoverflow btpg10;
You are now connected to database "stackoverflow" as user "btpg10".

stackoverflow=# create extension "uuid-ossp";


  1. I define a parfile for specific flags – we can alter table names, exclude tables, define data type conversions - for this demo we will only define our source/target connections and rename the default MS SQL schema(dbo) to the default postgres (public)
load database
     from mssql://SA:@host1:1433/StackOverflow
     into postgresql://btpg10:@host2:5432/stackoverflow

        alter schema
before load do $$ drop schema if exists dbo cascade; $$;


  1. Define freetds config file in same directory
# view .freetds.conf
    tds version = 7.4
    client charset = UTF-8


  1. Test connectivity
# pgloader --dry-run ss_so.cmd
2020-06-25T18:33:26.014000Z LOG pgloader version "3.6.1"
2020-06-25T18:33:26.058000Z LOG Loading the FreeTDS shared librairy (sybdb)
2020-06-25T18:33:26.061000Z LOG DRY RUN, only checking connections.
2020-06-25T18:33:26.062000Z LOG Attempting to connect to #<MSSQL-CONNECTION mssql://SA@ {100696F6F3}>
2020-06-25T18:33:26.190000Z LOG Success, opened #<MSSQL-CONNECTION mssql://SA@ {100696F6F3}>.
2020-06-25T18:33:26.190000Z LOG Running a simple query: SELECT 1;
2020-06-25T18:33:26.210000Z LOG Attempting to connect to #<PGSQL-CONNECTION pgsql://btpg10@ {1006970C13}>
2020-06-25T18:33:26.244000Z LOG Success, opened #<PGSQL-CONNECTION pgsql://btpg10@ {1006970C13}>.
2020-06-25T18:33:26.245000Z LOG Running a simple query: SELECT 1;
2020-06-25T18:33:26.245000Z LOG report summary reset

   table name      errors      rows      bytes      total time
 --------------  ----------  --------  ---------  --------------
 --------------  ----------  --------  ---------  --------------


  1. Run data migration
# pgloader --verbose ss_so.cmd

2020-06-25T18:42:07.745000Z LOG report summary reset
             table name     errors       read   imported      bytes      total time       read      write
-----------------------  ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------  --------------  ---------  ---------
            before load          0          1          1                     0.017s
        fetch meta data          0         18         18                     0.457s
         Create Schemas          0          0          0                     0.001s
       Create SQL Types          0          0          0                     0.009s
          Create tables          0         18         18                     0.102s
         Set Table OIDs          0          9          9                     0.006s
-----------------------  ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------  --------------  ---------  ---------
          public.badges          0    1102019    1102019    50.5 MB         10.400s    10.396s     6.802s
        public.comments          0    3875183    3875183   743.1 MB       1m32.008s  1m32.002s    58.180s
       public.postlinks          0     161519     161519     7.5 MB          1.709s     1.700s     1.111s
       public.posttypes          0          8          8     0.1 kB          0.143s     0.137s
           public.votes          0   10143364   10143364   424.5 MB       1m38.394s  1m37.466s   1m6.057s
       public.linktypes          0          2          2     0.0 kB          0.132s     0.130s
           public.posts          0    3729195    3729195     2.8 GB        5m8.075s   5m8.051s  2m37.241s
           public.users          0     299398     299398    42.7 MB         12.007s     5.144s     4.256s
       public.votetypes          0         15         15     0.2 kB          0.134s     0.131s
-----------------------  ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------  --------------  ---------  ---------
COPY Threads Completion          0          4          4                  6m52.193s
         Create Indexes          0          9          9                    41.768s
 Index Build Completion          0          9          9                     4.211s
        Reset Sequences          0          9          9                     0.443s
           Primary Keys          0          9          9                     0.067s
    Create Foreign Keys          0          0          0                     0.000s
        Create Triggers          0          0          0                     0.002s
       Install Comments          0          0          0                     0.000s
-----------------------  ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------  --------------  ---------  ---------
      Total import time             19310703   19310703     4.1 GB       7m38.684s


  1. Verify tables / data in Postgresql
postgres=# \c stackoverflow
You are now connected to database "stackoverflow" as user "postgres".

stackoverflow=# \dt
          List of relations
 Schema |   Name    | Type  | Owner
 public | badges    | table | btpg10
 public | comments  | table | btpg10
 public | linktypes | table | btpg10
 public | postlinks | table | btpg10
 public | posts     | table | btpg10
 public | posttypes | table | btpg10
 public | users     | table | btpg10
 public | votes     | table | btpg10
 public | votetypes | table | btpg10
(9 rows)