In the current economic climate, it's critical to make the most of your technology deployments and look for opportunities to carve out costs. Sirius consultants offer deep subject matter expertise combined with years of industry experience serving organisations of all sizes. If you're looking to cut costs, our consultants can provide value by first identifying areas where you can save by migrating to Open Source software, and then ensuring a safe, stable migration. So you can effectively carve out costs, without sacrificing quality or reliability.
- What Open Source is, and what it isn't, what you can do with it, and what you can't.
- Where you could and should be using Open Source now, where it's not yet ready, and what to keep a close eye on for the near future.
- How to bring Open Source into a predominantly proprietary infrastructure.
- How to expand your usage of Open Source, systematically replacing proprietary systems with Open ones.
- How to move to an entirely Open Source infrastructure.
Our strategic consultancy is not theoretical. It is based on hundreds of man-years worth of building real-world systems responsible for tens of billions pounds, euros and dollars business in serious organisations around the world. We even advise Governments.
To find out more please contact us, call us on 0333 344 5054, or keep browsing...