Just last month Sirius announced the launch of a series of open days which are designed to educate and inform individuals on how open source can benefit their organisation. Each open day focuses on a different element of open source. The next open day which will be held on Friday 20th July at Sirius' beautiful riverside technology campus in historic Weybridge in Surrey, and will focus on Enterprise Search the Open Source way. Of course the Open Source way is the way to do Search, from Google down to hobbyist websites, proprietary simply doesn't cut it.
The Sirius way is the Open Source way, and we love working with partners who truly share our values. One of the great surprises from starting our open day programme was the response from our partners! So we are going to be building in guest appearances at all future events, and since it's us you can trust that they will be genuine Open Source businesses themselves (no neo-proprietary types allowed).
For this open day, Sirius we are really excited about collaborating with Flax; still a young Open Source company, but doing extremely well and a specialist in search application development. Flax has an impressive list of clients, some of which include The Financial Times, The University of Cambridge and Reed Specialist Recruitment.
Effective search is a key requirement for Intranet, websites and many business work flows. Did you know that fully half of the people who arrive on your website completely ignore the elaborate navigation you painstakingly built for them, and go straight for the search box? (you have got a search box, haven't you?). But enterprise search is not just about websites! With the age of social, and big data, and mobile and Open upon us, Search is increasingly the key to building systems that people want to, and can, use.
The open day will consist of presentations, live demos and live case studies from one of Sirius' existing clients. Charlie Hull, CEO of Flax has expressed the benefits of the collaboration, “We've joined forces with Sirius to showcase the benefits of our Open Source approach to software development, which drives down costs, provides greater flexibility and allows economic scalability as data volumes increase over time”. The open day is a great opportunity for anyone wanted to learn more about Enterprise Search and is interested to see how this works in the real world.
Charlie has gone on to say, “we'll demonstrate how to build indexes of files of many different formats and from many different sources, searchable in fractions of a second with Open Source software used across the world by organisations such as Twitter, IBM and The Guardian”.
So for anyone wanted to find out more about what exactly Open Source Enterprise Search is, what wonderful things you can do with it and in particular what it can do for you; then this is a great opportunity to come along. It's free to attend, you'll get to meet some great people and we'll even be providing breakfast and a BBQ! All it requires is half a day of your time and trust me, you'll be amazed.
To register or find out more, just pop your name in our simple online form