Sirius Blog: You ask, we answer!
A Field Guide to Linux Support Problems
Here at Sirius we hear a lot from our customers and prospective customers about the kinds of problems they have with Linux and especially Linux Support.
These are a few of them:
An Introduction to PostgreSQL - Part 3
An Introduction to PostgreSQL - Part 4
In the first two articles we examined vacuums, clusters and freeze. In this third and final piece we look at indexes and backups.
What are indexes and backups?
An index, like in a book, is a separate set of information that tells us what is where and saves having to re-read the whole book to find something. PostgreSQL uses indexes for a similar reason and broadly in a similar way.
Migrating OpenLDAP
At Sirius, we eat our own cooking (as the Italians say... No 'Dog Food' here!), which means our own infrastructure is built from the world's greatest Open Source software!
I'm an Open Source Support Engineer, and part of my job is keeping our own internal systems up to date. This week it was the turn of our Identity Management system, which is built around OpenLDAP.
Q&A session with Marie Wallace, IBM
Sirius Interview with Marie Wallace, IBM